Friday, July 31, 2009

Cabaret Kite

I'm all ready, and looking forward to photographing the next Cabaret Kite to be held at the Bathurst Memorial Entertainment Centre on Saturday 1st August.

It's always exciting and a challenge to photograph any live show. You really have to pay attention as to what is happening, because a perfect moment will only present itself in a split second!

The fact that you don't have any direct control over the subject is another exciting aspect for me when it comes to photographing live shows.

I'll have some of the hightlights from tomorrow nights cabaret posted next week. Stay tuned.

The pictures that I've got here to show are from the last Cabaret that I shot on the 28th May this year.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Quote of the week

Here's a great little quote that I read this afternoon, written by an anonymous author.

"The picture you want tomorrow, you have to take today."

This really brings home the point that I firmly believe in, and I think some people don't fully realize.

They may not seem important now, but moments in our lives will hold a more treasured place in our hearts in later years. It's so important to have pictures of your kids taken now.....your family recorded now, because, we only have all these moments in our lives once! After that, they only become memories which soon fade in our minds. A photograph can be a small time capsule that you can keep revisiting again and again, and always be reminded of these moments long since past.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Website gallery update

I'm currently updating my website gallery with some fresh images that I've shot over the past few months. They were shot in all different places, from Bathurst to Mudgee, and everywhere inbetween. These are some of my favourites. They stand out to me because of the enjoyable memories and stories behind each of them.

Just go to to see these new images.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Autumn in my yard

This is a picture that I got last Autumn in my backyard of our Japanese Maple tree. I always love to look for the little things in nature that can be right under your nose.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Peter Gumpert Photography now has it's own blog! Stay tuned for the many updates that will be posted in the very near future.